Thursday 2 April 2015

Britmums live

BritMums Live 2015 is coming!

I'm really new to this blogging stuff. I might have had the blog for 5 years but I only launched it properly, for what it is now, back in September and started doing more than one post a month (Or whenever I fancied it).
I am so pleased that I did but one thing remains clear: I have no idea what I'm doing!

When I have spoken to bloggers I get them saying "Oh have you seen this?" Or "why don't you read and follow this person" and all I do is get lost or look a little overwhelmed.
So when I was told to go to Britmums Live by Ally I thought "yeah let's try" and bought a ticket. Even last week decided to book up at the Travel Lodge on City Road with me thinking that it is something positive that I should embrace. Now though I'm seeing and reading about it and I'm starting to realise how big it is.
By the looks of it there will be a load of people there and if I'm honest it's already playing on my anxiety.
It always flares when meeting people even when it's people that I know.
The strange, or at least difficult thing, is that I don't really talk to many people and the ones I do all seem to be out of the "loop". I know others have said that there are groups and circles of bloggers but I don't think I'm in any of them; it's not then easy to think I can go and know people I’ll be comfortable with, ones who I can lean on if and when I struggle.
So what should I expect from it?
What about nominations?
I have seen two types of bloggers: the ones who ask for nominations and the ones who just say "if you nominate me then great if you don't then no worries"
So what's the right thing to do?
I won't beg, hate begging actually, I am of the mind that if people like my blog they'd vote for me. But i will make it easy for you; if you like the blog then I'd love it for you to nominate me in whatever category that you think best suits. Just click on the link here.
In the meantime though I obviously just want to find out more about all of this and continue to grow and learn. I also want to get networking and find out who’s going and who I know will be about that I can come and say hide or equally hide near you.



Ashley Beolens said...

I wish I were going (way too much for us though, hopefully next year I'll have the balls to ask for sponsorship), although I think I'd be very anxious too if it were my first (starting at a smaller one this year instead to bed us/me in slowly).

I'm sure you will be fine and there are likely a lot who come across as confident and are actually quite shy (I read slouching towards Thatcham's post the other day and I think he feels the same, so you won't be alone lol).

Good luck with it all.

Martyn Kitney said...

I can see how financially it's difficult for the pair of you. I do need to go to more meet ups and functions. But little steps. Although I do feel britmums is looking more like a big step!

Kim Carberry said...

I wish I was going but I don't think I could handle it...It's just too far to travel...I don't do traveling alone well. The thought of meeting so many people scares the life out of me. In real life I'm so shy. Good luck! Maybe next year I will find the courage x

Unknown said...

My Dad taught me something really important. He said 'if you want to get on with people or manage when you're feeling really shy, ask people about themselves. they love to talk about themselves.'

Do you know, I followed his advice and then found that I was very curious about the people I met and what they thought and what I could learn from them. Now I ask them about them, not because I feel shy (any more) but because I'm really interested in their answers. People are just fab and we're all in the same boat - good at some things and crap at others.

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks for commenting Kim. Ah that's a shame but I completely get where you're coming from as that's what's starting to worry me. I think in some ways it's good that I was motivated to buy the ticket and then to book the hotel as with all the chatter now I'm sure I wouldn't have done it!

Martyn Kitney said...

Ah love it. I've been told the same thing....Always talk about them. I was told to do the "tell me more" aspect of communication. Always get the person to tell you more. I'm happy doing that but it's the initial talking that I struggle with.

Unknown said...

Mmm I know what you mean - you need something to go from don't you?

Martyn Kitney said...

Yeah that's exactly it! Get very nervous and anxiety flares. End up stumbling over my words and everything.

Anonymous said...

You'll do great at britmums Martyn honestly, i went for first time last year by myself flew over from n.ireland and everyone was lovely. yes there are "groups of bloggers" but i found chatting to people on twitter in the weeks before hand and arranging to meet really helped me x

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks Vicki. I'm sure everyone will be lovely and am sure I'll see people that I'll know too. But I'll definitely talk to more people on twitter beforehand and arrange arrange few things.

Amy Treasure said...

I’m going! I hope you will come and say hi to me, will be lovely to meet you. I can totally understand why you would be anxious but you will be absolutely fine. Promise! :-)

Martyn Kitney said...

Yay!! This has made my day! You're one of the bloggers id love to meet. :) so yes will definitely come and say hi!